WA Group Links - Categories: Education - ⭐🄽Oᴡ🇸ђєŔA E𝐍𝙂𝑳𝙸s - ❇️ Simple Rules ❇️
➡️Share English materials
➡️ Only English allowed
➡️ No links
➡️No bad stickers
➡️No Fights
➡️No use bad words
➡️Be active
➡️ Religion and politics topics not allowed.
????be nice and active if you want stay in the group ????
Otherwise Admins kick you out.
⭐🄽Oᴡ🇸ђєŔA E𝐍𝙂𝑳𝙸s ❇️ Simple Rules ❇️
➡️Share English materials
➡️ Only English allowed
➡️ No links
➡️No bad stickers
➡️No Fights
➡️No use bad words
➡️Be active
➡️ Religion and politics topics not allowed.
????be nice and active if you want stay in the group ????
Otherwise Admins kick you out.